I finished my five-year architecture degree in 2016, and I've cultivated a strong foundation in visual design from it. After gaining design experience for +3 years, I pursued dual master's degree at IAAC, Barcelona, and Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, focusing on Programming, AI/ML, and Product design. I particularly enjoyed my UX design, Service design, Strategy design courses at HCII, CMU. I'm quite interested in automation in design and I'm currently building systems to automate my works. Outside work, I read, sketch, play volleyball, and engage in creative coding projects.


Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh

Masters, Human Centered Design, 2021-23

IAAC, Barcelona

Masters, Computational Design, 2020-21

AIT, Delhi

Bachelors, Architecture, 2011-16


Product Design

Service Design

0 to 1 prototyping

WCAG 2.2 Accessibility

Multi-Modal Design

HTML, CSS, JavaScript

3D Design


World Architecture Festival

2nd Prize

Dezeen Longlist Awards

1st Prize

Graduate Scholarship

Awarded at CMU & IAAC

Self Learning

Prompt Engineering


Shift Nudge-UI Design
