New AI SaaS Product to increase user acquisition for Honda Motors.

Web & Mobile A.I. Product

I worked as a UX designer with Honda R&D team on designing a new AI vehicle maintenance platform. My role included participating in ideation workshops for product strategy, synthesizing research with teams, and then leading the design of the web and mobile platform.
We wanted to find a new revenue opportunity focusing on the Gen Z customers. As the automobile industry is navigating towards EVs, we wanted to create a solution for our customers to attract them & build customer loyalty and build trust with the brand.
I ran multiple ideation workshops and design sprints, collaborating closely with the research & engineering teams, working in Agile.
Honda Motors
5 months, 2023
Designer, I. Clark
PM, A. Paulisik
Service Manager, T. Jones
Engineer, E. Clepper
VP, Honda Research, D. Detwiler
Competitor Analysis
Ideation Workshops
UX Flows
UI Designs
in brief

It's like having your very own vehicle expert right on your smartphone or Laptop!

Enterprise App for Businesses (B2B)

The platform empowers dealership mechanics to efficiently manage vehicle repair requests while simplifying data sharing between vehicle owners and Honda.

Mobile App for vehicle owners (B2C)

A mobile application for Honda vehicle owners to identify and diagnose problems using A.I. capabilities. It's like having your very own vehicle expert right on your smartphone!

Personalized and faster onboarding by 30%

The new progressive onboarding experience for the Honda App for vehicle owners. I pinpointed a chance to enhance our onboarding process for new users, simplifying it to boost conversion rates by reducing the 10 step process to 7 steps.

Vehicle owners do not trust the repair prices at dealerships leading to low user acquisition

Research Activities
Interviews of Gen Z using directed storytelling method to validate ideas, Co-design session with Mechanics, dealerships affinity mapping.
Workshop Facilitation with Gen Z vehicle owners. We found that vehicle owners face challenges in trusting dealerships with the price, process and time, and it was observed in interviews and internet research sessions, in YouTube comments, Reddit and Facebook groups.

Low Risk, Known Problem → Test-and-Learn

By pushing our ideas to the users, we watched, learnt and refined our designs through iterative design. For the project, the risk was low and the problem was a familiar territory for Honda, so adopted the test and learn approach.

Our research was open-ended in the beginning

I approached the project by rapidly sketching ideas & testing with the end users. Because of the open brief, I made user research and business canvas model presentations to spark interest by balancing both user & business problems that we could solve.

Agile Process

I worked in multiple sprints collaborating with designers, PMs, Engineers, getting feedback from the stakeholders at every step. My role was to communicate clearly the identified user problems & solutions to the VP and the R&D team.

Gen Z wants to know the seriousness of the vehicle issue before taking it for repair

Initial sketches showcasing ideas to solve process, price and time problem. We found that vehicle owners face challenges in trusting dealerships with the price, process and time, and it was observed in interviews and internet research sessions, in YouTube comments, Reddit and Facebook groups.

Service managers at dealerships find it hard to know the type of customer that they are dealing with

Initial sketches showcasing the user preferences like communication. A big part of service managers job is to build relationships with the vehicle owners. However, our insight informed us that Gen Z do not want to engage with the managers and prefers to skip dealerships visit because of the communication.

We decided to make a high 'visual' fidelity prototype to test if Gen Z would pay for diagnosis service.

High visual fidelity prototype created in Figma. A big part of service managers job is to build relationships with the vehicle owners. However, our insight informed us that Gen Z do not want to engage with the managers and prefers to skip dealerships visit because of the communication.
challenge faced

Our solution cannot work outside the dealership model

Storyboard for the problem. We encountered a huge set back in the middle of the project, after learning that Honda cannot operate outside the existing dealership model. This means dealerships need to be part of the solution. We decided to visit a couple of dealerships to understand their pain points as next steps.
next steps

Go back to drawing board

Once we discovered our concept was ineffective, I encouraged my group to compile our insights and reevaluate the issue from a new perspective. I drew multiple UX flows, re-evaluated the value proposition and tested with the users working in a design sprint, that we ran for 3 days.
DESIGN solution

AI diagnosis Service

AI diagnosis Service

A diagnosis app for vehicle owners and web and mobile app for dealerships
patterns and practices for a.i. interactions

I researched and designed the new basic mechanisms for enhancing the A.I. experience for our users.

01: Auto-completions

Ghost text for Autofill activity to support the user's with prompting as the first basic mechanism.

02: Select

Brushes for selecting a text and applying a transformation to it as the second basic mechanism.

03: Chat

Users explore the different outcomes until they are satisfied by the outcome as third mechanism.
01: design for optionality

Auto-completions for Autofill activity

AI Ghost text Modal. Get Autofill responses based on issues with similar cars.
02: Design for Transformation

Select for fine tuning

AI Brushes Interface Modal. Highlight text to get additional options to fine tune the prompting.
03: Design for Iteration

Chat for exploration

LLM based Chat's design Pattern. Use chat to explore the common issues.
prioritization - design vs engineering

It decreased "computing load" but increased the "cognitive load" for our Users

This had the benefit for lowering the cost since we would not be running multiple things at once but only one prompt, however for the user, it would add to the cognitive load with the popup modal. Hence, we decided to drop this interaction modal because it affected the core user experience.

Diagnose vehicle issues with AI

Self-diagnosis for vehicle owners through a mobile app interface that employs text, noise, and image recognition in conjunction with DiagnosisGPT. Easily identify the vehicle issues using the DiagnosisGPT interface developed on the Honda vehicles diagnosis dataset.

Estimate Pro for Businesses

Enterprise platform for Automotive Dealerships showcasing requests on home page & Insights. The enterprise platform allows mechanics to communicate directly with their clients i.e vehicle owners.

Diagnose remotely with Mechanics

Information exchange between vehicle owners and mechanics enhancing easy data sharing & dialogue between them. The Premium service allows vehicle owners (B2C) to quickly connect with mechanics helping to resolve urgent issues.
data visualization

Dashboards for B2B

To bring relevant info to Mechanics in a simple and organized manner, I designed dashboards - thereby reducing cognitive load, saving time and increasing efficiency.

Designing for delight

Micro-design system and character design for micro interaction. I designed the various design elements for the project like micro-interactions, characters, color palette etc.
Micro-design system and character design for micro interaction. I designed the various design elements for the project like micro-interactions, characters, color palette etc.

Successful handling of all product designs and documentation

The project was a success in identifying the unmet needs of Gen Z, clear design deliverables and revenue plan. The team was working on marketing strategies, production scaling, distribution planning, and post-launch support systems, when my contract ended. However, the current state of the project is on-hold due to changes in the company's strategic priorities during the poor market conditions in mid 2023. Overall, outside design skills, working in ambiguity, helped me to hone my collaboration & interpersonal skills.
What my Manager said about me :
"At the onset we provided a high-level prompt addressing the Gen-Z market, and within a matter of weeks Sachin had identified a direction with strong potential that was backed with customer research. Sachin demonstrated his ability to synthesize meaningful insights from numerous data sources, and he clearly communicated these learnings as well as their value. Throughout this project, Sachin was highly collaborative, creative, and driven & impressed our whole team with his UX design abilities - Erin Clepper, Honda Research Institute USA, Inc.
possible product direction

Generative AI provides an opportunity to create personalized experiences

Generative AI provides an opportunity to create personalized enterprise solutions for all targeted customers and not just one. Although for our solution, we targeted Gen Z customer segment, our solution - Generative AI Enterprise can be applied to different audiences utilizing Large Language Model's (LLM's) & personalizating each experience.
how we tackled the biggest ai challenges in the industry

Working with A.I. bias & Talent management

For automotive enterprise businesses, working with bias data is a challenge. We faced the same challenge and since our solution is catered to one customer segment, hence it allows for less discrepancy for bias. This is a smaller step towards creating a bigger solution but upon given more time, this is one unexplored area that I would have loved to tackle. Similarly, talent management is one of the biggest pain points of the automotive businesses. Our solution of gig mechanics provides an opportunity to increase jobs for the individuals while also increasing work efficiency for mechanics.