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Finding a new product opportunity in the dating industry

Dating in Virtual Reality

The current dating platforms suffer from fake profiles, troublesome interactions etc. Is swiping left or right based on pictures, the right way to meet someone? Are pictures or looks the only medium that can tell you about the person? Or can we redefine it?

What dating customers want?

  1. Broader reach
  1. Escape from Loneliness
  1. Emotional Support
  1. A good match


The biggest disappointment in using dating apps is people stalking other profiles with fake profiles

37 percent of online daters said someone continued to contact them after they said they weren’t interested, and 35 percent had received unwanted sexually explicit texts or images.
Although apps state that hundreds of people are online, it is hard to find the right person that people are looking for.
People find it difficult to identify and share information and interact with other people.
There is very little privacy for customers in the apps. People complain about screenshots taken.
product vision

A world without any insecurities about compromising privacy, personal & shared data and identity, where an individual can safely and bravely express its essential nature while also fostering healthy and long standing relationships.

Hosting on Airbnb can be demanding, especially for hosts who manage multiple listings or have other personal or professional commitments. It requires time and effort to handle bookings, inquiries, guest interactions, cleaning, and overall management of the hosting process. However, several safety issues occur because of no staff at the property.
Detailed Analysis


Collection of rough ideas, sketches, research and ideation for the new virtual reality platform
Collection of sketches (1.3 mins video)

What would I do differently?

Upon more given time, I would spend more time on user testing by creating a prototype and getting user feedback on the project.